The St. Benilde Fund is the annual fund for St. Benilde School. Proceeds benefit our children by ensuring teachers have access to top notch training and learning resources. This year, we launch the St. Benilde Fund with a twist: The #iGiveCatholic giving day is an initiative of the Catholic Foundation for the Archdiocese of New Orleans to promote charitable giving in the schools, parishes, and nonprofits of the Archdiocese. The giving day this year is on December 1, 2015. From 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM, secure, tax deductible donations will be accepted on 100% of the donations you make for St. Benilde School will come directly to us! There is even a competition involved. The school with the highest number of new donors will receive a prize of $5,000, with lesser amounts also given to the 2nd and 3rd place schools. So mark down on your calendars December 1 and make your gift through, and help us win $5,000 more to benefit the children and teachers of St. Benilde School!