The philosophy of St. Benilde School is based on the premise that our school shares in the great mission of the church to reveal Christ to the world. We recognize the dignity of each student as a unique individual, made in the image of God and destined for eternal life.
As an educational community, our intent is to enable our students through a challenging curriculum to reach their full potential as Christian individuals committed to serving God, family and community.In today’s world of ever-changing technology, we strive to create an environment conducive to the spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, social and physical growth of each student entrusted to our care.
In the power of Christ, with Mary the Mother of God as our model, we endeavor to benefit from the past, to live the present to the fullest, and to prepare for the future.
Loreto Early Learning Center (Pre-K1 - Pre-K2) and Pre-kindergarten 3 & 4
We nurture a child’s physical and social-emotional development and natural curiosity for learning in a loving, encouraging, language-rich, and safe environment. Children gain confidence in themselves as learners through routines, play, meaningful experiences, exploration, and discovery.
We foster the natural tendency that young children have to seek a relationship with God. We teach that God has made each of us unique. Prayers are taught and prayed every morning, before meals and snacks, and during the course of the day. A variety of Christian literature and music enriches the religious curriculum. The Christ-centered and child-focused early childhood religion program, Allelu! is used to teach Catholic sacraments, liturgical rituals, symbols, and seasons in the pre-kindergarten 3 and 4 classrooms.
Teachers use the research-based Teaching Strategies Gold and Creative Curriculum to create a developmentally appropriate learning environment that is aligned with early learning standards. Social-emotional, cognitive, physical, and language development skills are integrated within the content areas of literacy, math, science, technology, social studies, language acquisition, and the arts.
Pre-kindergarten 2, 3, and 4 students participate in the library, music, and physical education elective program.
Our rigorous and engaging academic program provides students with developmentally appropriate and student-centered learning experiences. With support, encouragement and guidance, students become collaborative and self-directed learners . All students who graduate from St. Benilde School meet and exceed State of Louisiana and Archdiocese of New Orleans requirements for promotion to eighth grade.
At the center of the academic program at St. Benilde School is the Gospel message and the person of Jesus Christ, who is the foremost and ever-present teacher of our school community. As such, Catholic truths and values are embedded throughout every classroom and every subject. Catechesis – the systematic teaching of Catholic doctrine – is completed on a daily basis and is required of all students. The religion curriculum, Alive In Christ, is used at all grade levels to teach the life and mission of Jesus Christ, to build knowledge of Catholic teaching and reverence for Sacred Scripture, and to foster a personal and life-long relationship with God.
Well over 50% of every school day is devoted to the core subjects: Religion, English Language Arts, and Math. Science and Social Studies are daily classes in third through seventh grade and are embedded in the ELA curriculum in kindergarten through second grade.
Our core literacy curriculum in kindergarten through second grade is The Superkids Reading Program. Teachers use this research-based program to teach critical foundational literacy skills while integrating reading, spelling, handwriting, grammar, and writing. Our goal is that students leave second grade reading on-grade level or beyond with accuracy, fluency, and understanding. The Pearson ReadyGEN and myPerspectives integrated literacy programs are used in grades three through seven to build independent reader and writer competencies needed for college and career readiness. Students engage in reading and responding to authentic literary and informational texts, applying critical thinking skills, and developing the writing process.
Students are taught to think about math conceptually, solve real-world problems, and become fluent in mathematics. Teachers use Eureka Math, a standards-aligned curriculum, in all elementary classrooms to help students develop a deep understanding of math. Additionally, students in first through fifth grades use Zearn Math. Teachers use Zearn to personalize the learning experience for students by providing multiple ways to learn new concepts, demonstrate understanding, and engage in the learning environment.
Elective class opportunities in physical education, music, library, and computer are provided to students.
About:The St. Benilde Exceptional Learners Program believes all learners can achieve to their potential through personalized education and layered support. Each child in the Exceptional Learners Program receives an individualized plan called a STEP which outlines their individual needs, accommodations, and goals. The instruction is designed based on the goals and needs outlined in the STEP. The program currently provides services to students in Pre K3 - 7th grade.
Our Mission: Our Catholic School is committed to providing an educational foundation, which focuses on spiritual, academic, physical and social development, so that our students will grow to know, love and serve God, family and community.
Philosophy: Since starting our program in 2016, the exceptional learners program has focused on providing individualized instruction to meet learners at their level and close gaps in their learning by using systematic direct instruction, data, and computer based programs, as support.
Our Educational Style: In the exceptional learner program we specialize in individualized education and data based instruction through blended learning.
Why the Exceptional Learners Program?
The Exceptional learners programs provides students with a supportive environment in which they can grow academically and gain confidence.
Who we are and what we do: We work to establish an enriching educational environment that meets the individual learning needs of our students through specialized curriculums. We work with students with a variety of abilities and needs who have been identified as have a learning disability, AD(H)D, Autism Spectrum Disorder, mild/ moderate intellectual disorders and giftedness.
Tier 2 Literacy Lab: Established in 2014, the literacy lab provides intensive intervention services in reading to students in Kindergarten through 7th Grade. The goal is identify and address delays in reading through early interventions. Students participating in interventions provided by the Literacy Lab are identified through the Aimsweb and benchmark testing.
Tier 2 Math Lab: In 2020, we are establishing a math lab to provide intensive instruction to students in Kindergarten through 7th grade. The goal is to identify and address delays in math through early intervention. Students will be identified through Aimsweb and benchmark testing.
Tier 3 ELP ELA: Established in 2016, (previously referred to as Phase I) the Exceptional Learners ELA program provides students with identified learning and developmental disabilities with an intensive systematic instruction in reading and writing through modified curriculums. All students receiving services through the exceptional learners program must have a current (completed in the last 3 years) psychoeducational evaluation showing they meet the criteria of a child with a disability (1508 or medical)
Tier 3 ELP Math: Established in 2016, (previously referred to as Phase I) the Exceptional Learners Math program provides students with identified learning and developmental disabilities with an intensive systematic instruction in mathematics through modified curriculums. All students receiving services through the exceptional learners program must have a current (completed in the last 3 years) psychoeducational evaluation showing they meet the criteria of a child with a disability (1508 or medical).
Tier 4: Established in 2017, the Exceptional Learners Tier 4 program provides students with identified mild/moderate to severe disabilities with academic instruction and support through classroom curriculums and behavior interventions. All students receiving services through the exceptional learners program must have a current (completed in the last 3 years) psychoeducational evaluation showing they meet the criteria of a child with a disability (1508 or medical).